Saturday, January 15, 2011

Root Introduction

Hello Everyone,

My name is Gian-Luca Casella and I'm in my final semester in the CTYC program at Seneca@York.

After working at my last co-op placement I had the opportunity to work with different flavours of Open-Source Operating Systems. This includes but is not limited to -- Debian Based Systems, SLES (SuSe Linux Enterprise Server), and a great number of Red-Hat systems.

Software Build and Release is something new to me so I am really looking forward to participate in projects within the Fedora Community.

IRC Nickname: gcasella (Learn ID as well)
Seneca Wiki Profile
Fedora Wiki Profile

IRC Chat Log:

<gcasella> Hello Everyone! :-)

<mustafaj> hi gcasella!

<gcasella> How's it going? I'm in ctrylers SBR class this semester.

<mustafaj> oh cool stuff! I think you'll like it a lot

<gcasella> I hope so, haha, it's something completely new to me, so i'm hoping a lot will come out of it. I'm more of a Networking/Sys Admin type of guy.

<mustafaj> It's a networking/sys admin kind of course

<mustafaj> what you make of it really.  so should be just right

<gcasella> Well i figured it would be a sys admin/networking type of course since it's part of the CTY professional programs :-P.

<mustafaj> cool beans gcasella

<gcasella> Interesting, while I was on my co-op work term I've done a lot of source code installations, but I definitely failed using the rpmbuild command.

<mustafaj> yea its tricky stuff

<gcasella> Just out of curiosity, what kind of things have you done in this course? (Assuming you've already taken it :-))


<gcasella> Cool cool, hah, I've also done the whole Windows USB bootable while I was on my work term as well.

<gcasella> I made a USB key with a grub menu to choose between different Operating Systems, even including live versions of Windows 2k3, XP, etc.

<mustafaj> thats pretty neat

<gcasella> if you're interested

<mustafaj> you should blog it ;)

<gcasella> Definitely will eventually :)

<mustafaj> i am, thanks i'll bookmark it

<mustafaj> what's your blogs url?

<gcasella> I have two at the moment, one of them specific to SBR and one personal one at 

<mustafaj> cool i'll check em out.  time for food ;) cheers

<gcasella> Take care!

<mustafaj> you too

Gian-Luca Casella

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